Baryn Futa: Championing Contemporary Art and Public Display

Art is an incredibly interesting part of any culture, but it is routinely underfunded and under-appreciated. The arts are an important outlet for culture to express itself, especially the contemporary arts, which express constantly shifting and changing attitudes in the art world.

Since retiring, Baryn Futa has been pursing an interest in the arts, focusing on contemporary arts particularly. Baryn Futa began his journey into the world of the arts by participating in the Denver Art Museum. He continued in this vein by studying art history, both online and in classrooms, in order to further his knowledge of the types and styles of art he was interested in supporting and collecting. He visited museums, both here in the United States and overseas, went on group art trips, visited art fairs frequently, and started his own art collection.

What most interests Baryn Futa is supporting the public display of contemporary art. He is especially supportive of video art, which is a time based media. Baryn Futa supports these causes by being a paying member and annual fund contributor to the museums in the United States that he visits. Additionally, he loans art to museums and funds museum exhibitions and acquisitions.