Making Art More Valuable: Baryn Futa

These days, Baryn Futa is trying to change everything about the art world and our current approach to it. He strongly believes that art is too often taken for granted and not appreciated as a priority, so he has made it his life’s work to support the arts as a benefactor and lover of fine art. Brilliant artists should be appreciated enough to thrive, so baryn Futa does whatever he can to make sure that happens more than has been the case in recent years.

One reason Baryn Futa feels that arts patronage is important is because he firmly believes that art is a defining part of any culture. It is that status that makes art a key element of preserving our culture for future generations. Because the art of the past puts us in touch with our ancestors in a way that nothing else can, the art of today will create a touchstone for future generations. That makes art preservation a crucial task, which is why Baryn Futa is motivated to be a prominent arts benefactor.